Who should do this course?

Calling all students and adults who would like to explore the use of assistive technology in the classroom as well as at home!

  • Do you have difficulty with reading or writing?
  • Do you learn better if the material is read out to you?
  • Are you more comfortable when you dictate rather than write it yourself?
  • Would you like assistance while completing your assignments?

If you have answered YES to any of the questions above,

this course is for you.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the Course Price?
Answer: Rs 399/-

What is the Course Validity?
Answer: One month from the day of enrollment

Will I get a Certificate of Completion?
Answer: Yes

Course Description

Come familiarize yourselves with various tools which will foster independence while doing reading and writing tasks.

For each assistive technology there are video demonstrations and written instructions to guide you with their various features along with how to install them.
Course Feedback: The course was comprehensive and very well conducted. Wishing you both all the best. - Namrata Sah

Meet Your Instructors

Greetings from your instructors of this course, Mansi and Neha! 

We have both done our Masters in Counselling Psychology and B.Ed. in Special Education majoring in Learning Disability.

We are passionate about our work with students with learning differences. We have been working with students with various learning needs and their families for over a decade. 

We believe that each student has the right to be an equal part of their class and work in ways that are best suited for them. We aim to empower them to be as independent as possible and be comfortable in using assistive technology that will benefit them.

Pallavi and Makarand Date

Parents of Manomay Date

Mansi Di has been teaching my son Manomay, assistive technology since last one month. Her style of teaching helps him understand the features of assistive technology very easily. She is very patient with him and always encourages him to try the methods taught to him on his own. This pushes Manomay to try his best. He has already learnt a few methods to help him do his Studies faster. I see him trying his hand at assistive technology while doing his projects. He is always looking forward to his sessions with Mansi Di . Looking forward to a long time association with you Mansi Di and all the very best for your future ventures.👍🏻

Rachel Catley

Elementary Learning Support Teacher

International School Manila

I have known Neha Makhija for two years and have worked alongside her as an Elementary Learning Support teacher. Neha has been an incredible colleague to work with and an exceptional educator to learn from. She is extremely patient, caring, and goes above and beyond to give time and a listening ear to colleagues. Neha has a depth of knowledge in supporting students with their academic and emotional needs. She is adept at recognizing signs of anxiety with students and tailoring accommodations and approaches to support students to build their own capacity in dealing with challenges. Neha has presented at several faculty professional development days in the areas of executive function, multisensory mathematics, identifying learning differences, and how to provide accommodations.

Vandana Khemani


The Orchid School, Pune

Mansi Di has taught me so many things when it comes to working with students.

Not only does she have so much clarity and in depth knowledge about her subject matter, but her enthusiasm to work with kids combined with a unique way to make each and every session so much fun, yet thought provoking always amuses me. Her extremely warm and amicable personality reflects in her work and that is one among many things I admire in her!